Monday, September 3, 2012

Maestro is a Tennessean!

Maestro says goodbye to Alaska
Big news! The most loyal, best-looking, friendliest, and bravest black lab ever, Maestro, of Laramie on the Lam fame, has moved from Alaska to Tennessee. She traveled by car through the Yukon Territory and on into the United States for seven days to reach the rest of her family. She was tired, but as always, cheerful and happy to be reunited with us.

Now that she's settled in her new home, Maestro is ready to begin talking to kids all over the world about her adventures with Laramie Wyoming, Prentiss, and Jake. Don't forget to ask your parents to buy a copy of Laramie on the Lam today. (Be sure to tell them there are study guides at the end of each of the six stories. Parents LOVE educational books.)

Maestro and I hope to have a chance to meet with you--either in person at a bookstore near you or online through email--and get to know each one of you.

See you on the Quest!