Monday, September 3, 2012

Maestro is a Tennessean!

Maestro says goodbye to Alaska
Big news! The most loyal, best-looking, friendliest, and bravest black lab ever, Maestro, of Laramie on the Lam fame, has moved from Alaska to Tennessee. She traveled by car through the Yukon Territory and on into the United States for seven days to reach the rest of her family. She was tired, but as always, cheerful and happy to be reunited with us.

Now that she's settled in her new home, Maestro is ready to begin talking to kids all over the world about her adventures with Laramie Wyoming, Prentiss, and Jake. Don't forget to ask your parents to buy a copy of Laramie on the Lam today. (Be sure to tell them there are study guides at the end of each of the six stories. Parents LOVE educational books.)

Maestro and I hope to have a chance to meet with you--either in person at a bookstore near you or online through email--and get to know each one of you.

See you on the Quest!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Chance to win Quest backpack!

I've been working hard to bring Laramie on the Lam to anyone and everyone who would like to read it in the print version. If you know anyone who loves adventure, please let them know that Laramie and his friends can be found in the middle of danger, excitement, funny situations, and cool places in this print book with all six stories in it.

Please leave a comment on this post (with your parents' permission, of course) and I'll let you and your mom and dad know how you can sign up for a chance to win a cool, official Quest backpack like the one Laramie takes on his adventures!

I love to hear from my readers, so please leave a note whenever you have a chance!

See you on the Quest...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Biggest Laramie news EVER!!!!

It's happened! It's finally happened! Laramie, Maestro, Prentiss, and Jake are starring in their very own print version of Laramie on the Lam! Now you'll be able to read all six wild adventures in one book. Those of you who have e-Readers may have read the e-Book installments, but this book is a new and improved version, complete with study questions after each story. But don't worry! They're fun questions and let's face it, your parents will be thrilled to know you're not only enjoying yourself reading all about Laramie's big mystery, but learning something in the meantime. It's definitely a win-win situation!

You'll be able to start at the beginning and read straight through--from the bank robbery when Laramie, Maestro, Jake, and yes, Prentiss Williams find themselves up to their necks in trouble--to Colonial Williamsburg and Yorktown, Virginia, to the shores of Lake Superior in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, to their trip across the wilderness of the Yukon Territory into Alaska, back down to Kentucky, and then back up again to Alaska for the exciting, surprising, frightening, humorous, and just plain fun ending to the great mystery.

Don't forget to check back here for places where YOU can find Laramie on the Lam and make sure you ask your parents to check out this blog so they'll know it's a good, clean, wholesome, and educational book for you to read. No worries about bad content, bad language, or bad behavior (aside from Prentiss and those darned bad guys, of course).

See you on the Quest...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Are You Ready to Conquer the Last Frontier?

It's here and ready for download! Laramie Wyoming's last adventure of the Laramie on the Lam series is ready to read. Don't miss your chance to find out who's been chasing them all across the country and what finally happens to Laramie, Prentiss, and Maestro. Most of all--don't miss out on the mystery and adventure as the two boys and Maestro outwit the bad guys.

Or do they?

Only one way to find out! Ask your mom or dad to download Laramie Conquers the Last Frontier and any of the other five installments you may have missed so you won't miss out on any of the adventure! Hike the steep trails, feel the earth move beneath your feet, watch whales burst from the ocean depths, and help Laramie, Prentiss, and Maestro figure out the mystery behind all their misadventures in the last great frontier, Alaska!

Here are some of the places you can ask your mom or dad to visit so they can buy the Laramies stories. Only .99 per download.    (Amazon)       (Barnes and Noble)     (Quake)

And finally, stay tuned for a VERY SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT that Laramie will be making very soon!

See you on the Quest!